Sunday, September 19, 2010

True Grit-Tacoma OK's Digital Billboards

Here's the story .
(click on any images to view it at a larger size)

When Clear Channel did their visual attack on the city back in 2007 by having every billboard say simply "Constitutions Matter" is when I noticed how many billboards there are in Tacoma. Some vigilantes took it upon themselves to deface the billboards.
Time has passed and the City has decided to compromise, and take down 53 of the billboards, but in return Clear Channel will be allowed to install 10 digital billboards.

Here's a behind the scenes look at the True Grit comic "Psychic Attack"
I had a few different ideas in the beginning:
Poltergeist, "They're Here"

"Grandpa Grumpy vs the Late Night Skaters"

I decided on "Psychic Attack"

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Featured Artist: Geoff Weeg

featured artist

How does the mellow drummer from Humble Cub, basist for Tallest Tree, and solo member of Atrophy Wife contribute to Tacoma's visual art community?
The self proclaimed "staple-gun master" posts his cardboard creations like missing cat flyers on wood surfaces all around your fair city.

Reminders of love, and quarky thoughts or ideas for others to find and take home, free of charge.

Geoff went through a faze of meticulously creating these color grids that he would staple to old buildings.

Geoff Weeg

These things had the longest runs I have ever seen in Tacoma street art. It was like the property owner couldn't even see them. No need to buff invisible graffiti.

Geoff Weeg Outside Artwork at Night

While describing these pieces during his Pecha Kucha presentation at the Tacoma Art Museum (9-16-2010), he said,
"I thought it would be funny if I gave them color chip options."

Geoff Weeg
If you hear about Geoff having an art show, check it out. It's the only chance you'll have to buy his artwork. Otherwise you'll have to find some.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Story about the mural program from the News Tribune